Three decades ago, the police shooting of a 19-year-old black man in Montreal launched a movement that is still going strong today.

Anthony Griffin, who was 19 years old when he was tragically shot by a police officer in the parking lot of an NDG police station, showed through his death that the fight against racism must continue at every level of society and decision-making.
Allen Gosset Was a Know Racist
A overweight, small man with a inferiority complex is how you would sum up Allen Gosset. A coward with a badge. Prior to Anthony’s murder by Gosset he was found guilty in civil court for beating a black motorist at a traffic stop. Allen Gosset reacted with violence to the motorist who was questioning Gosset because he felt he had been racially profiled. This made Gosset mad, resulting the motorist getting violently assaulted.

Gosset should have been removed from the force at this point. But because of a corrupt police union that covers up police negligent behaviors, rather than punishing them our police force continue to harbor racist and rogue cops..