Update 8/30/21: At the 6:40 mark in the video, PhRMA is referred to as a 501(c)(3) organization, but the correct classification is 501(c)(6). We regret the error and are posting this update as clarification. The pharmaceutical industry is pushing back dramatically on a recent move from Congress that would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. TRNN examines a controversial ad that features a diabetic senior citizen fearful she will lose access to insulin if the measure is passed, and shows why the misleading video is just a small example of how Big Pharma uses propaganda and money to bend the political system, protecting a price structure that leaves Americans rationing medication. Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and making a small donation: Donate: https://therealnews.com/donate-yt Sign up for our newsletter: https://therealnews.com/nl-yt Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealnews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealnews #BigPharma #diabetes #drugprices #HR3
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